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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Too Funny

Ok, so today at lunch I went to Marshalls to return a couple of things. Right next door is the Pepperidge Farm store. I've been craving that damn cake again. So after I was done in Marshalls I walked over to PF. I bought some healthy wheat bread & picked up a package of the cake. I was a good girl & passed on the apple turnovers that were on sale for B1G1 for $2.50. I walked up to the counter & the same lady that rang me up a couple of weeks ago was working the cash register again. Crap. Well she recognized me...ahahaha...I'm not sure how...but she said "now, who is this cake for this time?". She remembered me buying the cake last time!!!! Ahahaha...AND our conversation. So I told her about how I have this blog & I made a post about the cake & her. She loved it. Then we got to talking about how good these cakes are & the fact that she had to stop buying them. She said "I used to buy the coconut one & leave it out on the counter for the family to nibble on. Well one day the kids were at school & I was on the computer & I just kept pickin at it. Next thing you know, I ate the whole damn thing. I couldn't believe it. When my kids got home from school they asked where the cake was. You know what I told them? I told them it fell on the floor." IT FELL ON THE FLOOR!!!! AHAHHAHAHHAHA

I love that. She asked me when I was due & I said 2+ weeks..she told me I looked good & was doin all right and told me to enjoy that cake. And to come back after the baby is born.

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