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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Being A Taurus

Looks like our little girl will be a Taurus, the sign given for birthdates between April 21- May 21.

Traditional Taurus traits are:
Patient and Reliable
Warmhearted and Loving
Persistent and Determined
Placid and Security Loving
Jealous and Possessive
Resentful and Inflexible
Self-indulgent and Greedy

Click here to read more on being a Taurus!

While our little one will be a Taurus let's review the traits of her good ol' Mom & Pop and see how accurate these traits are!

Amy- Traditional Sagittarius Traits are:
Optimistic (I think so!) and Freedom-loving (Uhh yeah! Why do you think it took us so long to have a baby??!!)
Jovial (Yep) and Good-Humored (YES!! You bet your sweet *ss I am!!)
Honest and Straightforward (I always tell it like it is)
Intellectual (Eh..) and Philosophical (No)
Blindly Optimistic and Careless
Irresponsible (With and Superficial
Tactless (Dont' think so) and Restless (Uhhh no! I'm lazy!)

John- Traditional Gemini Traits are:
Adaptable and Versatile (Yup)
Communicative (Oh my God, can this guy talk!) and Witty (Totally!)
Intellectual (Smart smart smart) and Eloquent (Uh, when he wants to be)
Youthful (Yeahhh...he still thinks he's a college kid) and Lively (100%)
Nervous (Depends) and Tense
Superficial (No) and Inconsistent (Totally- one week he loves tag saling, the next he hates it!)
Cunning (He is a Salesman...) and Inquisitive

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