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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

APRIL Is The Month To Be Born, Marnie!!!

Diamonds & Daisies...HELLO! Two of my favorite things and both are designated for the month of April. Marnie should really consider popping her head on out (literally I guess) & be born in the next couple of days. The moon & stars are almost aligned for this kid to be born in the month of April! Did you know daisies are my favorite flower? They are simple & sweet, not too boring, not too extravagant. They were the only flower used for our wedding...and they just so happen to be the designated flower for the month of April. Also, diamonds are the birthstone. Need I say more people? May's birthstone is the, poo poo.

Marnie!!!! Come on chiquita! You only have 2 more days!!!!! You can do it! You can doooooo it!!!


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