Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 8, 2010


You people have NO idea how big I am. I mentioned yesterday about how there's like one pair of maternity pants that fit..right? Wrong. They are T-I-G-H-T. But again, I've only got a couple weeks left & refuse to buy new maternity clothes. You know what fits me the best? My night gown & my maternity dress that I wore for my baby shower. Both of which I can't wear out in public. Why you ask? Well, #1: wearing a night gown out in public is just wrong. #2: the dress looks adorable on me & fits like a night gown BUT you can see my elephant legs/cankles/feet so there is no way in hell I'm wearing that thing out.

Belly view

Here's a front view of my pants/shirt from this morning before leaving for work- my shirts don't even come down far enough to cover the elastic band AND that band is too tight over my belly so I have to roll it down (this is before I rolled it down):

Here's a pic of me sitting at my desk at work..look at that friggin thing!!!! And can you see the marks across my lower belly from my pants!!! Owwww......

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