Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Check It Off The List

Well Johnny Boy finished the bookcase and it came out AMAZING!!! Not sure where all these carpentry skills came from but damn am I proud of him. So because the bookcase was finished and put in the room that allowed me to get all of Marnie's books and odd's n ends on it and to also get the artwork hung above it. Can I just came out ADORABLE. I just keep going in the room to look at how cute it is & sit there & think "what a lucky little girl". (Not bragging...just is C U T E!!!). So here are some more pics of the room...soon enough it will be completely done, just have a couple of mirrors to hang on the wall above the dresser/changing table and then we will be 100% done.

Here's the whole wall with the bookcase on it:

In the pink box on the shelf are two of John's puppy dog stuffed animals that he had as a little boy. I'll have to get a better pic of them so you can see how disgustingly worn they cute, they were well loved.

Here's all the artwork I got off of Etsy. The one of the tree has a little heart on it with the initials A & J 'carved' into it. The 'M' is from Pottery Barn, we spray painted it silver.

I even picked some fresh cherry blossoms from the tree in our front yard- aren't they gorgeous?

Homemade duckie from Dottie, book from Mom & tea set from Jeanette.

Here's John's little nook

More artwork from Etsy & the little lamb is from Anthropologie

Coat rack spray painted silver to match other elements in the room

We made sure we had special little touches in the room- there's the coat rack that used to be Big G's (the vintage clothes hanging on the coat rack used to be his sisters, Aunt Joe, when she was a baby), homemade owl from Dottie, card that Sue gave to me from the shower- it has cute little bunny slippers on it- will put in a small frame & make it into artwork, the children's vintage rolltop desk used to be Kaelyn & Maddie's, and the framed artwork above the desk is actually a card I made for John for Valentine's Day one year.

My Knight in Shining Armor coming to rescue me!
(notice they are head pics of John & I? I even added my own real hair to my head! lol)
What do you think of it all? Do you think it's as cute as I claim? Ahahaha

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