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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Seriously Baskin Robbins Lady?

I was craving Baskin Robbin's Jamoica Almond Fudge ice cream yesterday so on my way home I stopped to get some. Usually I get my big ol butt out of the car & walk into the store to get it. I'm huge, and the last thing I need now is to have to get in & out of my low riding Honda...AND...I don't need anybody seeing the big ol pregnant lady walking in for a quart of ice cream. No thanks. Sooo..I opted to order my ice cream through the drive thru window. Everything was fine & dandy...I ordered my ice cream, pulled up to the window, paid the lady...and then....she handed over the quart of ice cream (enough for 8 people at least!!!) WITH A SPOON & NAPKIN!!!! Seriously? I really think she saw how preggers I was & thought I wanted that ice cream right then & there.

She was wrong. I waited the 5 minutes until I got home to dive into that sh*t.

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