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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm Havin A Bad Day

So this last week I've really been feeling lousy. I don't sleep well because I'm either getting up to go to the bathroom or waking up to try to roll over because an arm or hand has fallen asleep or I'm just totally uncomfortable in the position I'm in due to an enormous belly. Sunday my stomach was a mess (sorry everybody over at Mom N's...). My feet, ankles & now toes are pretty much buckling at the seams. My toes are now to the point where they tingle & fall asleep. It also feels like I have shin splints (FYI- I do not have preeclampsia, was checked last week & today, BP is perfect). I can't sit or lay comfortably anymore. Getting in & out of the car, couch & bed are super hard. Today I was feeling really crappy so I upped my doctors appointment from this Friday to this morning. I thought for sure I was dilated & there might be a little one on the way some time soon. Ummm...NO. Doctor told me nothing was going on "down there" and that I still had a ways to go. I got teary eyed in the doctors office and left feeling defeated. As much as I'm hoping I can wait as long as possible to give birth (for Marnie's health and so that I have more time off during the summer...I am taking 12 wonderful long weeks off), I am READY to get this little beast out of me. Enough is enough already. My belly has been lopsided for months now, none of my maternity pants fit me anymore so I'm down to pretty much one pair of jeans because I refuse to buy any more maternity clothing and because of my lack of sleep & lugging this extra weight around, I just look worn down & beaten.
So I called Robyn after my appointment & complained & cried. Ahahahaha

Less than 3 hours later I got a nice surprise at work.

Me at the doctors office BEFORE the bad news

The beautiful flowers that Robyn sent me at work

"Hang in there", Love Robyn

And me, after crying at work over Robyn's thoughtfulness...
I am one beaten Momma To Be

1 comment:

  1. Your sister is a keeper!!!! That was such a nice thing Robyn did. It made me cry too. There is nothing better than a sister.
