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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Doctors Visit

Ugh Ugh Ugh...John & I went for our 39 week appointment this morning. Guess what?!!! I'm no where near ready to give birth to this little princess. He's guessing another week...but said they won't let me go past 41 weeks. So I have another appointment on Monday where they'll do their regular examination & will also do an ultrasound to see how much the baby weighs, if she is still in the right position, and will check other things like my amniotic fluid. Doc told me to hang in there, it'll be sooner than I know it...and if nothing happens naturally by Friday May 7th then they'll induce me. So what...I might have a Mother's Day baby? That's special I guess...but COME ON ALREADY!!!!

Actually, Robyn & I were talking about how RUDE it is of Miss Marnie to even consider being late. Doesn't she know it is proper etiquette & good manners to be either a little early or on time for social gatherings, events & planned celebrations? You can ask any of my girlfriends..I am always almost always the first to show up for any planned outing. I'm gonna have to have a talk with this chic when she gets her butt out here....Momma won't stand for tardiness!!!

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