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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1/2 Days

Yesterday I came home just completely drained (this is not a complaning post...please read on...) so John & I had a talk about me continuing to work full time. I just physically can't do it anymore. The exhaustion & swollen feet are just too much for me. What if I went into labor like that? How would I ever get through labor? So I talked to my boss & he has wonderfully agreed to let me work 1/2 days for as long as I can before giving birth. What a blessing. I called out of work today to recoup- I literally laid on the couch or in bed all day. What a difference it makes. My feet/ankles were swollen a tiny bit but not too bad. As a matter of fact, I had a 3:30 doctors appt for my 38 week & I actually felt good enough to wear my cute maternity dress out in public. The appt went well, blood pressure is perfect, I'm dilated 1cm (hardly close to where I need to be) and my cervix is still to thick (ew)- the doctor is guessing I have at least another week. Which, I can stand, knowing I'm working 1/2 days & can come right home & get on the couch or take a nice nap or relaxing bath. I can do it! I can do it! So, as of tonight, I will not go in begging the doctor to induce me. I'll wait until our little petunia is ready on her own to come into the world. : )

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