Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Just A Reminder Baby Guadagno......

Diamonds & Daisies!!!!!
Diamonds & Daisies!!!!!
Diamonds & Daisies!!!!!
Diamonds & Daisies!!!!!
Diamonds & Daisies!!!!!
Diamonds & Daisies!!!!!

Marnie vs A Baby Horse

This mini horse named Einstein weighed in at just 6 pounds when he was born. What??!!! That's less than what Marnie weighs now inutero! Click here for more pics & the story.

Being A Taurus

Looks like our little girl will be a Taurus, the sign given for birthdates between April 21- May 21.

Traditional Taurus traits are:
Patient and Reliable
Warmhearted and Loving
Persistent and Determined
Placid and Security Loving
Jealous and Possessive
Resentful and Inflexible
Self-indulgent and Greedy

Click here to read more on being a Taurus!

While our little one will be a Taurus let's review the traits of her good ol' Mom & Pop and see how accurate these traits are!

Amy- Traditional Sagittarius Traits are:
Optimistic (I think so!) and Freedom-loving (Uhh yeah! Why do you think it took us so long to have a baby??!!)
Jovial (Yep) and Good-Humored (YES!! You bet your sweet *ss I am!!)
Honest and Straightforward (I always tell it like it is)
Intellectual (Eh..) and Philosophical (No)
Blindly Optimistic and Careless
Irresponsible (With and Superficial
Tactless (Dont' think so) and Restless (Uhhh no! I'm lazy!)

John- Traditional Gemini Traits are:
Adaptable and Versatile (Yup)
Communicative (Oh my God, can this guy talk!) and Witty (Totally!)
Intellectual (Smart smart smart) and Eloquent (Uh, when he wants to be)
Youthful (Yeahhh...he still thinks he's a college kid) and Lively (100%)
Nervous (Depends) and Tense
Superficial (No) and Inconsistent (Totally- one week he loves tag saling, the next he hates it!)
Cunning (He is a Salesman...) and Inquisitive

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's Compare......

We had some fun last night, wouldn't you say? Here's John with his basketball preggers belly and here's mine. What do you think? I'm not that far off, am I??!!!! And yes, my husband is a great sport for letting me do this to him. We just kept laughing & ourselves.

One of John's impressions of me....hardy har har

Seriously Baskin Robbins Lady?

I was craving Baskin Robbin's Jamoica Almond Fudge ice cream yesterday so on my way home I stopped to get some. Usually I get my big ol butt out of the car & walk into the store to get it. I'm huge, and the last thing I need now is to have to get in & out of my low riding Honda...AND...I don't need anybody seeing the big ol pregnant lady walking in for a quart of ice cream. No thanks. Sooo..I opted to order my ice cream through the drive thru window. Everything was fine & dandy...I ordered my ice cream, pulled up to the window, paid the lady...and then....she handed over the quart of ice cream (enough for 8 people at least!!!) WITH A SPOON & NAPKIN!!!! Seriously? I really think she saw how preggers I was & thought I wanted that ice cream right then & there.

She was wrong. I waited the 5 minutes until I got home to dive into that sh*t.

Stupid #%*@! Full Moon

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's A Full Moon Tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whether it's a myth or not...I'm getting ready for some rockin & rollin tonight because some say a full moon can begin the L&D process!!!! Click here & here if you want to read up on it.

Cross your fingers & do a little labor dance for me!!!!!!!!

APRIL Is The Month To Be Born, Marnie!!!

Diamonds & Daisies...HELLO! Two of my favorite things and both are designated for the month of April. Marnie should really consider popping her head on out (literally I guess) & be born in the next couple of days. The moon & stars are almost aligned for this kid to be born in the month of April! Did you know daisies are my favorite flower? They are simple & sweet, not too boring, not too extravagant. They were the only flower used for our wedding...and they just so happen to be the designated flower for the month of April. Also, diamonds are the birthstone. Need I say more people? May's birthstone is the, poo poo.

Marnie!!!! Come on chiquita! You only have 2 more days!!!!! You can do it! You can doooooo it!!!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Doctors Visit

Ugh Ugh Ugh...John & I went for our 39 week appointment this morning. Guess what?!!! I'm no where near ready to give birth to this little princess. He's guessing another week...but said they won't let me go past 41 weeks. So I have another appointment on Monday where they'll do their regular examination & will also do an ultrasound to see how much the baby weighs, if she is still in the right position, and will check other things like my amniotic fluid. Doc told me to hang in there, it'll be sooner than I know it...and if nothing happens naturally by Friday May 7th then they'll induce me. So what...I might have a Mother's Day baby? That's special I guess...but COME ON ALREADY!!!!

Actually, Robyn & I were talking about how RUDE it is of Miss Marnie to even consider being late. Doesn't she know it is proper etiquette & good manners to be either a little early or on time for social gatherings, events & planned celebrations? You can ask any of my girlfriends..I am always almost always the first to show up for any planned outing. I'm gonna have to have a talk with this chic when she gets her butt out here....Momma won't stand for tardiness!!!

This Is It...We Are Done!

Marnie's room is doneso!!!! Of course there might be little tweeks here & there & some additions to the room but for the most part it is ready for her arrival.

Click HERE if you want to see the video of the full 360 view of the room, including Tortilla on her ottoman and her view of the pretty cherry tree outside.

Here's the last of the pics:

Vintage letter press tray holds some little trinkets above John's beautiful radiator cover

Definetly need some more to fill in some spaces

This rattle used to be mine when I was a baby

This little bank used to be mine too

Photo of the crib area

Remember I got this artwork off of Etsy- doesn't it look cute framed & hung up?

Basket of toys/rattles right by the door when you walk in
View of the dresser/changing table...The dresser used to be Big G's when he was a kid, we thought the dark wood went well with the gray walls & pink tones:

This is the Louis Icart print from Robyn that I based the whole room around:

Remember this old post? I fell in love with the frames. I ended up finding 2 on clearance from Pottery Barn.

I think the Louis Icart looks so pretty in the frame...

Here's the elephant hamper I got that I splurged on, he's

Homemade burp cloths from my friend Caitlin's mom

Adorable doggie night light

John's Baby Dream In His Words

I had a dream last night that Amy gave birth to the baby and it was actually a baby boy. The interesting part of the dream was after the baby was cleaned up and laying with us, we noticed he had an enormous penis. It was around the length of the babies leg. The doctor came in and we showed it to him and he said your baby is a Jango...

AHAHAHHAAHHAHAA....what the heck is a Jango??!!!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Uh Huh.....Uh Huh

I'm still here people....stillllll here. You know the phrase "no news is good news"? Well that's bullsh*t in this situation.

Friday, April 23, 2010

She Wants Out!!!

So why the heck isn't she coming out???!!!!

All Packed!

Hospital bags are all packed & ready to go. Come on Miss Marnie!!!! We are READY!!!! (I think....)

Whooooaaaa Belly!

John went out with his buddies last night to watch the NFL draft so I was home alone. Hmmm..what to do? What to do?
Here's a few belly pics I took by myself....I'd say they are....verrrrry...interesting...

Standing pics:

Sitting down pics:

Our Beloved Stuffed Animals

Here's a better pic of John's stuffed animals that I talked about yesterday. Aren't they nasty looking? Just as bad is my old stuffed bear Fred. John can't remember when he originally got his two doggies, I got mine from my Grandma & Grandpa Otterbein for Christmas...I think I was about 9 or so. Unfortunately Tortilla chewed off his nose when she was a puppy.
Cute addition to Marnie's bookcase, no?

Wonder Puppy, Fred, and Puppy Power

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Check It Off The List

Well Johnny Boy finished the bookcase and it came out AMAZING!!! Not sure where all these carpentry skills came from but damn am I proud of him. So because the bookcase was finished and put in the room that allowed me to get all of Marnie's books and odd's n ends on it and to also get the artwork hung above it. Can I just came out ADORABLE. I just keep going in the room to look at how cute it is & sit there & think "what a lucky little girl". (Not bragging...just is C U T E!!!). So here are some more pics of the room...soon enough it will be completely done, just have a couple of mirrors to hang on the wall above the dresser/changing table and then we will be 100% done.

Here's the whole wall with the bookcase on it:

In the pink box on the shelf are two of John's puppy dog stuffed animals that he had as a little boy. I'll have to get a better pic of them so you can see how disgustingly worn they cute, they were well loved.

Here's all the artwork I got off of Etsy. The one of the tree has a little heart on it with the initials A & J 'carved' into it. The 'M' is from Pottery Barn, we spray painted it silver.

I even picked some fresh cherry blossoms from the tree in our front yard- aren't they gorgeous?

Homemade duckie from Dottie, book from Mom & tea set from Jeanette.

Here's John's little nook

More artwork from Etsy & the little lamb is from Anthropologie

Coat rack spray painted silver to match other elements in the room

We made sure we had special little touches in the room- there's the coat rack that used to be Big G's (the vintage clothes hanging on the coat rack used to be his sisters, Aunt Joe, when she was a baby), homemade owl from Dottie, card that Sue gave to me from the shower- it has cute little bunny slippers on it- will put in a small frame & make it into artwork, the children's vintage rolltop desk used to be Kaelyn & Maddie's, and the framed artwork above the desk is actually a card I made for John for Valentine's Day one year.

My Knight in Shining Armor coming to rescue me!
(notice they are head pics of John & I? I even added my own real hair to my head! lol)
What do you think of it all? Do you think it's as cute as I claim? Ahahaha

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

1/2 Days

Yesterday I came home just completely drained (this is not a complaning post...please read on...) so John & I had a talk about me continuing to work full time. I just physically can't do it anymore. The exhaustion & swollen feet are just too much for me. What if I went into labor like that? How would I ever get through labor? So I talked to my boss & he has wonderfully agreed to let me work 1/2 days for as long as I can before giving birth. What a blessing. I called out of work today to recoup- I literally laid on the couch or in bed all day. What a difference it makes. My feet/ankles were swollen a tiny bit but not too bad. As a matter of fact, I had a 3:30 doctors appt for my 38 week & I actually felt good enough to wear my cute maternity dress out in public. The appt went well, blood pressure is perfect, I'm dilated 1cm (hardly close to where I need to be) and my cervix is still to thick (ew)- the doctor is guessing I have at least another week. Which, I can stand, knowing I'm working 1/2 days & can come right home & get on the couch or take a nice nap or relaxing bath. I can do it! I can do it! So, as of tonight, I will not go in begging the doctor to induce me. I'll wait until our little petunia is ready on her own to come into the world. : )

Monday, April 19, 2010


John told me all of my posts lately have been negative- mostly of me complaining. Well I can't help it! I'm exhausted & haggad looking...the only positive thing to talk about is how it's almost over.

Here's a pic of me this morning...really before the day has even begun & I look T-I-R-E-D!!!

Well, the hydrangea sure do look pretty....

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's Really Time

I'm getting a double chin. It's really high time this chic gets out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Just got back from the doctors office. I begged him to induce me- he said when I was 39 weeks. I said ok, fine, next week? So he examined me & said "you are not a candidate for induction". Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'm not "ready" (if you know what I mean). I even went in with a list of complaints AND showed him my bulging ankles. Nope...he said if they induced me now it might even still take 3 days to give birth. He did some squeezing of the belly & guesses Marnie will weigh about 7.4 pds when born- that is a perfect, healthy, huggable, loveable weight! So, the waiting game does the uncomfortableness.

I need a hug.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Too Funny

Ok, so today at lunch I went to Marshalls to return a couple of things. Right next door is the Pepperidge Farm store. I've been craving that damn cake again. So after I was done in Marshalls I walked over to PF. I bought some healthy wheat bread & picked up a package of the cake. I was a good girl & passed on the apple turnovers that were on sale for B1G1 for $2.50. I walked up to the counter & the same lady that rang me up a couple of weeks ago was working the cash register again. Crap. Well she recognized me...ahahaha...I'm not sure how...but she said "now, who is this cake for this time?". She remembered me buying the cake last time!!!! Ahahaha...AND our conversation. So I told her about how I have this blog & I made a post about the cake & her. She loved it. Then we got to talking about how good these cakes are & the fact that she had to stop buying them. She said "I used to buy the coconut one & leave it out on the counter for the family to nibble on. Well one day the kids were at school & I was on the computer & I just kept pickin at it. Next thing you know, I ate the whole damn thing. I couldn't believe it. When my kids got home from school they asked where the cake was. You know what I told them? I told them it fell on the floor." IT FELL ON THE FLOOR!!!! AHAHHAHAHHAHA

I love that. She asked me when I was due & I said 2+ weeks..she told me I looked good & was doin all right and told me to enjoy that cake. And to come back after the baby is born.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gettin Ready

This is me, every morning, standing over the bathroom sink. You know how I have to put make up on? I have to turn my entire body to the left to do the right side of my face and then turn to the right to do the left side of my face.

How many more days?

p.s. notice my comfy nightgown, ya know..the one I live in.....

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Told You

Ohhhhhhhh My Garsh! I have a 42 inch "waist". Can you believe that !*%#@ ??????