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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yup, I Think It Happened....

I got dressed this morning and can I just say....I looked ENORMOUS. John will attest to that. I put on a cute dress, looked in the mirror & a huge circus tent was staring back at me!!!! Even my boss said to me today "Can I just look big. You really really look pregnant today. Is it the dress you think or do you think the baby dropped?". Yep- now that she said that, I think Marnie has. I have way more pressure in my "pelvis area" & am totally waddling like crazy. It's gross. So who knows...maybe I'll go earlier than the May 1st due date. I'm hoping for as late as possible since I'm taking 12 weeks off for maternity leave. I'm a summer girl....12 weeks off in the summer would be heaven. Pure heaven.

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