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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby Shower

So Saturday was my baby shower....and why would it go smoothly? Nothing ever does for me when it comes to big events. My wedding- ends up pouring & had to change ceremony from Mom & Dad's beautiful back yard to the Sugarloaf Church. Night before my IVF procedure- dogs get sprayed by a skunk at 10:00pm & I end up smelling like skunk. Christmas Eve at our house one year- my mother in laws dog dies. 2 nights before my baby shower- kidney stone. Day of shower- major storm. Can't a girl catch a break????
As mentioned in an earlier post, Thursday night I awoke to a kidney stone attack. Not fun. So my day off on Friday was ruined- I was supposed to be resting, getting a mani/pedi with my friend Amy, and doing last minute cleanup/setup around the house for the party. Instead, it was spent running to my urologists office for a checkup and then taking a 3 hour nap because I was so exhausted from being up in the middle of the night & going thru the agony of trying to pass a stone. So Friday afternoon Mom, Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie showed up to start setting up for the shower. There were tons of little things that needed to be done- like rolling the silverware in cloth napkins, setting the buffet table & bar area, making the salads & quiches (which I might add, were DELICIOUS!). *pat on our backs at our first attempt at making them!!!* Amy & baby Claire came over as well to help us out. Saturday morning I woke up at 5:00am, laid in bed until 6:00am then decided to get up & try to get some more stuff done for the shower. Everyone else was up by 7:00am so it made for a very long day!
Shower started at 1:00pm and it was wonderful. It was so nice to see everyone although the time flew & I felt like it was my wedding all over again... where you get to see everyone but you don't get to talk to everyone and before you know it, the event is over.

Many thanks & love to everyone who was able to make it- it meant a lot to me to have the people I love there to support & celebrate with!
Special thanks to Mom, Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie & Mom N for helping/planning/cooking etc. for the shower. It was all much appreciated!!


John was stoked when Amy showed up with Claire- he's been dying to try out the rocker/glider with a real live baby!

Ssshhhhh....sleepy time Claire

Prepping for the shower- Friday afternoon

Robyn got John some gifts too so he didn't feel left out:
t-shirt w/ a baseball catcher "Pregnancy Support Team" (I'm gonna have him wear it for the delivery!!!), and Yankee & Miami Dolphins cheerleading outfits for Marnie. How cute is that?

We had pics of John & I when we were babies displayed on twigs (to go along with our Woodland Theme)

Kaelyn & Maddie glued sticks to clothes pins to hold the pics onto the branches

Tags were made to wrap the silverware in the napkins

Yet another project the girls worked on- stamping the paper cupcake holders for the desserts

This was me about an hour before the shower- no make up, hair not done, feet were already killing me, exhausted......

THIS is what I should have been doing....lucky sh*ts! Ahahaha

Robyn wins the "Present Presentation Award" for her gift display!

Diaper cake from Dottie & Amy- props to Charlie too for making the base!

Pic in Marnie's room

Aunt Annie, my cousin Sara, Robyn, Mom & Aunt Betty
Mom N, Aunt Karen & my SIL Tracey

My neighbors Sue & Sara, me & my friend Nanaroni

Amy, Claire & me

Me, Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie

Me, my SIL Tracey, Claire, friends Michelle & Amanda & Michelle's daughter Lexi

Me & the Holt Ladies- Laurie, Amy, Claire & Dottie

Maddie, friend of the family Lorraine, Kaelyn & Laurie

Old friends Alison, Tara (we've been friends since elementary school!!!) & myself

Opening gifts

The 3 Donna's: my MIL Donna and her 2 friends Donna G & Donna S

Amanda, Teddy, my friend Caitlin who had the triplets (biotch looked hot after giving birth 3 months ago!!!), Teddy & either Caroline or Emmersen (sorry!!)

My soon-to-be SIL Sarah, my SIL Tracey & my FIL's girlfriend/my personal designer (lol) Sue

Teddy & me

How friggin cute is Teddy in his button down shirt & sweater vest?? He's a guy after John's own heart "Teddy & 30 chics...sweet".

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