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Friday, March 26, 2010

I Must Have Jinxed Myself

While this post is not entirely related to Baby Guadagno, it does relate to an earlier post I made about the bad week I had. I posed this statement/question:
And can I just point out....within a weeks time I've passed a kidney stone, had elephant feet and a nasty headcold...what next?????

Well, let me just tell you!!!!! First of all, John caught my cold. So now I have a whiney baby husband at home. And for my second mishap let me give you a quick background- we have a cheap little humidifier in our bedroom since it gets pretty dry in there from the baseboard heaters. Every night I fill it up & put it on my side of the bed so that I remember to unplug it every morning. Ok, so I've been doing this on & off pretty much the whole winter. So the other night I do my regular routine of filling up my pitcher with water from the bath tub & dumping it in the humidifier. I had just taken a bath right before this so when I turned the hot water on it was HOT. Anyways, so now I'm in bed with John watching tv and I get up to do my last tinkle of the night before going to sleep. I put my right foot down on the floor as I try to heave my huge body out of bed & what happens? A big burst of boiling water explodes out of the humidifier onto the top, sensitive part of my foot. It burned me!!!!! 2 days later I still had a big red mark on my foot.

Poor me.

If you look close enough you can see the reddish sploch on the top of my foot, towards the left, right before my cankle, I mean ankle, starts.

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