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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How Friggin Disgusting

So today I wore high black boots to work. Around 11:00am I started getting the heebie jeebies from them and felt like I was going to crawl right out of my skin. They were tight and uncomfortable and no pregnant lady in her 7th month should be wearing them. I know that now. So luckily I had an extra pair of shoes in my car (see John "hoarding" comes in handy sometimes...please refer to other blog post on hoarding).
Okay, so I take my boot off. Then my sock. And! What the hell happened to my cute skinny leg??? It looks like a really old, fat ladies leg with cottage cheese that was half eaten by a shark. It was so disgusting looking I HAD to share pics!!! So I put my sock & boot back on just so I could take pics of what I saw.

Looks like my feetsies are getting a nice soak in epsom salt and a rubby from my husband tonight.

Ok, normal looking boot:

Not too much of a problem here...calf looks a little chunky:


Who feels bad for me??????

UGH.....I really do have cankles now.
*uncontrollable heaving*
*shortness of breath*
*thinking 'why me??'*

I'll give $5.00 to anyone who wants to rub my feet (this does not include you John).

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