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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A-Ha! The Name Marnie IS Popular!

I was watching tv last night & saw the trailer for the upcoming movie "She's Out of My League" and one of the main characters in the movie is named MARNIE! Come on! Are people gonna watch this dumb movie now & think THAT is where we got the name from??? I know Robyn has said that when she tells people back home that we are naming the baby Marnie she gets a "Marnie???" kind of response (like what the hell kind of name is that response). Now she'll probably get a stupid "ohhhh, I've heard that before..that was from that dumb comedy She's Out of My League". Ugh.

The real story about us picking the name Marnie goes back quite a while. John & I have had Marnie Rae picked out as our little girls name for at least the last 5+ years. See! I always knew I'd have a little girl! Well, anyways, how did we come up with this name? John used to have a crush in high school on a girl named Marnie. I swear!!!! I loved the name! We picked Rae because I thought it sounded pretty & we thought of 'ray of sunshine' when we thought of our little girl. I also liked the middle name Brynn (Marnie Brynn Guadagno...nice?)...but obviously we decided on Rae. Simple. Sweet. Kinda original.

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