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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Last Ultrasound

John met me at the doctors office for our last ultrasound visit. He pulled up outside the office with a little white box addressed "For Baba" (what we call each other) and I knew it was my long awaited jelly donuts!! Ahahhaha. When we had gone to see Caitlin & Dan & the babies a month+ ago we stopped at a little bakery on the way to their house (also, right around the corner from where John works). We got these jelly donuts...and oh boy, they are GOOOOOOOOD (and that's not just a pregnant ladies opinion!). So ever since I kept asking John to pick ONE up for far, nada. But today Johnny boy came through...with....FOUR...delicious, fresh, airy jelly donuts. Heaven. Ok, so enough about the damn donuts....Big G met us inside for our appointment so he could see the ultrasound too. All is well with baby Marnie- she is still head down, butt to the right of my belly button (my view looking down...refer to older post) and weighs 4.6 pounds. Again, tech says I'm right on track and should gain about an ounce a day- which is a little less than 4 pounds. Ok, that is do-able.
After the ultrasound John & I went upstairs to meet with the doctor (whom I love). A nurse came in first to take my weight & blood pressure. Of course John had to stand over me while she weighed me *rolling my eyes*....well, needless to say I cried. I cried at the number I saw on that damn scale. It's HARD being this heavy, pregnant or not, when I have always been able to eat anything I want & still be a skinny minny. So I cried and then the nurse took my blood pressure....her exact remark "Well, that certainly raised it! I think I'll come back after you see the doctor". So then John & I sat waiting for the doctor to come in...and just laughed at the situation. I'm an idiot, I know. So then the doctor comes in & asks how I'm doing...I tell him not good, I just got weighed....he told me I'm doing great, look great & I should be prepared to gain 30-35 pounds when all is said & done. Ummmm, yeah...I cried again. Ahahhahaha. Before leaving the nurse came back in, I told her I was feeling more calm that I had cried it out and so she retook my blood pressure- 112/74. Perfect!
Oh well, I guess as long as the baby is doing good that's all that matters...right? Right? Isn't that right????

"For Baba"

A little sneaky poo

Could they look any prouder???

Profile pic- looks like John's little chin

This is me after crying.....and there's the dreaded scale
I hate you scale! I hate you.

Got back to work after the appointment & drowned my sorrows with one of my donuts.
I love you donut. I love you.

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