Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Holy Belly!!!!!!!!!

Alright people.... are you READY FOR THESE PICS?????

People dont' believe me when I tell them I'm huge...that is until they see me in person & then I get the "Oh my God- you ARE huge! You look like you've got a basketball under there!". Yes, thank you for finally agreeing with me.
Last night I had John take pics of the belly- I did a full 90 degree turn while the camera snapped pics so you can get the full feel for the magnitude of this sucker. Then we had some fun taking pics of me standing over him while he laid on the couch. I think those are some of the most hysterical pics I've ever seen.


Front view- I'm a little off kilter because Marnie's butt is always on the right side of my belly (on the left of the belly button when looking at the pic)

Full side view

Ummm yes, I am still wearing my tank top

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic. you think this is what Tortilla & Mylee see when they look up at me??

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