Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 29, 2010


Sunday morning I went for a prenantal massage.....aaaahhhhh.....let me tell you about it. You climb on to the heated massage table & climb under the warm sheets & rest your head on a fluffy feels like a cozy warm bed. You start by laying on one of your sides with a long, soft pillow in between your legs & she'll massage that half of your body- then you flip onto your other side..... It is heaven. I've had many massages before, in different environments, in different countries & these massages from my massuese Jocelyn are by far some of the best. I almost fell asleep! You're just all tucked in, cozy warm, getting rubbed- NOT MASSAGED (that's how I like it) is pure heaven.

Well anyways, after my massage I ran across the street to go to Trader Joe's to pick up some items. As I'm walking in some young guy says to me "Any day now, huh?".....ummm no, 5 weeks dude. I am 5 weeks away from giving birth to this monstrous baby. I finish my shopping & am now unlocking my car to get in. A lady next to me in her car rolls down her window & says "That has GOT to be a boy!!!!"...."Oh, no, it's a baby girl"....."Really? You are carrying just so low, like a basketball just out in front. You look just like I did....27 years ago. And let me just tell you, no stretch marks! Good luck!"....and she pulls out. Ahahaha...being pregnant sure is entertaining.

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