Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Just HAVE To Share!!!!!!!!!!!!

You all might be getting pretty bored and/or disgusted with my swollen feet pics...but come on! THIS IS UNREAL!!!!!!!!!! Look at the size of my leg!!!! Look at the size of my foot!!!! What the hell is invading my body and how do I get rid of it????!!! I know, I know...31 more days. Breathe...31 more days.....just breathe. And you know what is one of the worst parts about this? I am now limited to a pair of black slip on flat shoes..nothing else fits me. Do you know how boring that is? I hate my maternity clothes to begin with & now I have to add on only being able to wear one pair of shoes.
31 more days.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Sunday morning I went for a prenantal massage.....aaaahhhhh.....let me tell you about it. You climb on to the heated massage table & climb under the warm sheets & rest your head on a fluffy feels like a cozy warm bed. You start by laying on one of your sides with a long, soft pillow in between your legs & she'll massage that half of your body- then you flip onto your other side..... It is heaven. I've had many massages before, in different environments, in different countries & these massages from my massuese Jocelyn are by far some of the best. I almost fell asleep! You're just all tucked in, cozy warm, getting rubbed- NOT MASSAGED (that's how I like it) is pure heaven.

Well anyways, after my massage I ran across the street to go to Trader Joe's to pick up some items. As I'm walking in some young guy says to me "Any day now, huh?".....ummm no, 5 weeks dude. I am 5 weeks away from giving birth to this monstrous baby. I finish my shopping & am now unlocking my car to get in. A lady next to me in her car rolls down her window & says "That has GOT to be a boy!!!!"...."Oh, no, it's a baby girl"....."Really? You are carrying just so low, like a basketball just out in front. You look just like I did....27 years ago. And let me just tell you, no stretch marks! Good luck!"....and she pulls out. Ahahaha...being pregnant sure is entertaining.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I Must Have Jinxed Myself

While this post is not entirely related to Baby Guadagno, it does relate to an earlier post I made about the bad week I had. I posed this statement/question:
And can I just point out....within a weeks time I've passed a kidney stone, had elephant feet and a nasty headcold...what next?????

Well, let me just tell you!!!!! First of all, John caught my cold. So now I have a whiney baby husband at home. And for my second mishap let me give you a quick background- we have a cheap little humidifier in our bedroom since it gets pretty dry in there from the baseboard heaters. Every night I fill it up & put it on my side of the bed so that I remember to unplug it every morning. Ok, so I've been doing this on & off pretty much the whole winter. So the other night I do my regular routine of filling up my pitcher with water from the bath tub & dumping it in the humidifier. I had just taken a bath right before this so when I turned the hot water on it was HOT. Anyways, so now I'm in bed with John watching tv and I get up to do my last tinkle of the night before going to sleep. I put my right foot down on the floor as I try to heave my huge body out of bed & what happens? A big burst of boiling water explodes out of the humidifier onto the top, sensitive part of my foot. It burned me!!!!! 2 days later I still had a big red mark on my foot.

Poor me.

If you look close enough you can see the reddish sploch on the top of my foot, towards the left, right before my cankle, I mean ankle, starts.

Dad Duties

Last night John put together the stroller...looks like we're really getting close to you-know-what!!!! He wanted to put Tortilla in the stroller to try it out. I told him no. So he opted for one of the dogs stuffed animal toys instead. *rolling my eyes*

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yup, I Think It Happened....

I got dressed this morning and can I just say....I looked ENORMOUS. John will attest to that. I put on a cute dress, looked in the mirror & a huge circus tent was staring back at me!!!! Even my boss said to me today "Can I just look big. You really really look pregnant today. Is it the dress you think or do you think the baby dropped?". Yep- now that she said that, I think Marnie has. I have way more pressure in my "pelvis area" & am totally waddling like crazy. It's gross. So who knows...maybe I'll go earlier than the May 1st due date. I'm hoping for as late as possible since I'm taking 12 weeks off for maternity leave. I'm a summer girl....12 weeks off in the summer would be heaven. Pure heaven.

Holy Belly!!!!!!!!!

Alright people.... are you READY FOR THESE PICS?????

People dont' believe me when I tell them I'm huge...that is until they see me in person & then I get the "Oh my God- you ARE huge! You look like you've got a basketball under there!". Yes, thank you for finally agreeing with me.
Last night I had John take pics of the belly- I did a full 90 degree turn while the camera snapped pics so you can get the full feel for the magnitude of this sucker. Then we had some fun taking pics of me standing over him while he laid on the couch. I think those are some of the most hysterical pics I've ever seen.


Front view- I'm a little off kilter because Marnie's butt is always on the right side of my belly (on the left of the belly button when looking at the pic)

Full side view

Ummm yes, I am still wearing my tank top

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pic. you think this is what Tortilla & Mylee see when they look up at me??

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

For Aunt Cindy- A Lady After My Own Heart

Damn this kid! She made me go into Pepperidge Farm & pick up this cake. I didn't want to.

The lady who rung me up said "now who is this for?" (as she stares at my bulging belly). I told her it was for the both of us & wasn't I a good Momma for sharing with my baby?? She said yes...and then told me not to eat it all at once. Ahahahaha.....will do.

A Ha!

I had another doctors appointment this morning, a normal 2 week appointment. Everything is great! My blood pressure was 112/68....and guess why..... I had a different nurse this time who took my blood pressure BEFORE I got weighed. Actually, I didn't even look at the scale when I got on it....and just for ha ha's, I left my shoes on when I hopped on that stupid scale. Ha!

I asked my doctor if he thought I might go early...he said "oh yes..I can tell". And I said "really??" he rolled his eyes at me & walked out of the room. I love a smartass.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Ok, Fess Up!

So I'm home today from work (for the second day) with a nasty head cold- which started Wednesay. Apparently my neighbor Sara came down with strep on Wednesday and 2 other ladies that were at the shower are sick also. Who the heck got us all sick?? Whoever did it should fess up.....and come over & massage my feet, 10 minutes per foot. I think that's only fair........

And can I just point out....within a weeks time I've passed a kidney stone, had elephant feet and a nasty headcold...what next?????

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You Know I Love Craigslist But This Tops The List!

Was doing my regular morning Craigslist scoping & came upon this ad for free pregnancy belly painting. Love it...and you know how I love the word FREE! I emailed the chic to say I was interested....let's see if I get a response.


Notice anything...interesting?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh No No No No No Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!

I have now resorted to being one of those pregnant ladies that HAS to put her feet up during the day to try to avoid swollen feet/ankles. It is BAAAAAAAAD today. So bad that they are tingling as if they have fallen asleep. I brought in a foot stool from home & piled that on top of an empty box.....a lot of help it's doing....NOT.

Can this really...really...really be part of MY body???

Does it remind you of anyone?


Marnie's Library

As part of my shower Robyn had asked guests to buy a book to start Marnie's library. She sent a bookplate with each invitation asking guests to attach it to the book so that when that book is read to Marnie she will know who picked that book out especially for her.
I have extra bookplates incase anyone was interested in adding to her library...I don't want anyone to feel left out. Just shoot me an email! : )

Robyn painted a small bookcase for the shower just to hold the books- love the attention to detail!

Here's what the bookplate looks like:

Holy Craparoni!!!!!!!

I was just about to post to the blog......when I saw the pregancy timeline thinger......OMG! It says I only have ABOUT 46 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anybody else freakin out...that is, besides John & myself???
Don't get me wrong, I am over being pregnant at this point...but...UGH...the thought of giving birth......ew......ow..... I'm letting John do it next time- his free ride is over.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Chinese Lady Update

I almost forgot to mention this!!! Friday afternoon us girls had some errands to do, one stop being at the dry cleaners to pick up my shower curtain!!!! So instead of sending in Robyn or Mom to go get it, I decided to go in just to see if the chinese lady would goo goo ga ga over my belly again. I brought Kaelyn in with me as a witness- Mom & Robyn waited in the car with front row viewing since I parked right in front of the cleaners. So we go in & I hand the chinese lady my ticket...she recognizes me (or my belly I guess) and proceeds to reach out over the counter to RUB my belly again. Then she started doing kissing noises to it & told us how she just LOVES babies! We had a 5 minute conversation about how she loves babies, she was so happy to hear I was having a little girl, she only has sons, all of her immediate family have birthdays in April- it's boring because her two sons are a week apart so they always celebrate together, her name is Sunny & I should have my baby on her went on & on! I even gave Kaelyn a little subtle jab in the side to make her break out laughing but she held it in like a trooper!
Regardless, the chinese lady makes me smile & I think I'll keep going to her. I wonder if she'll still be as friendly to me AFTER my baby bump is gone & Marnie is here. Hey, maybe I can this chic to babysit?!!!! Hahahaha

Baby Shower

So Saturday was my baby shower....and why would it go smoothly? Nothing ever does for me when it comes to big events. My wedding- ends up pouring & had to change ceremony from Mom & Dad's beautiful back yard to the Sugarloaf Church. Night before my IVF procedure- dogs get sprayed by a skunk at 10:00pm & I end up smelling like skunk. Christmas Eve at our house one year- my mother in laws dog dies. 2 nights before my baby shower- kidney stone. Day of shower- major storm. Can't a girl catch a break????
As mentioned in an earlier post, Thursday night I awoke to a kidney stone attack. Not fun. So my day off on Friday was ruined- I was supposed to be resting, getting a mani/pedi with my friend Amy, and doing last minute cleanup/setup around the house for the party. Instead, it was spent running to my urologists office for a checkup and then taking a 3 hour nap because I was so exhausted from being up in the middle of the night & going thru the agony of trying to pass a stone. So Friday afternoon Mom, Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie showed up to start setting up for the shower. There were tons of little things that needed to be done- like rolling the silverware in cloth napkins, setting the buffet table & bar area, making the salads & quiches (which I might add, were DELICIOUS!). *pat on our backs at our first attempt at making them!!!* Amy & baby Claire came over as well to help us out. Saturday morning I woke up at 5:00am, laid in bed until 6:00am then decided to get up & try to get some more stuff done for the shower. Everyone else was up by 7:00am so it made for a very long day!
Shower started at 1:00pm and it was wonderful. It was so nice to see everyone although the time flew & I felt like it was my wedding all over again... where you get to see everyone but you don't get to talk to everyone and before you know it, the event is over.

Many thanks & love to everyone who was able to make it- it meant a lot to me to have the people I love there to support & celebrate with!
Special thanks to Mom, Robyn, Kaelyn, Maddie & Mom N for helping/planning/cooking etc. for the shower. It was all much appreciated!!


John was stoked when Amy showed up with Claire- he's been dying to try out the rocker/glider with a real live baby!

Ssshhhhh....sleepy time Claire

Prepping for the shower- Friday afternoon

Robyn got John some gifts too so he didn't feel left out:
t-shirt w/ a baseball catcher "Pregnancy Support Team" (I'm gonna have him wear it for the delivery!!!), and Yankee & Miami Dolphins cheerleading outfits for Marnie. How cute is that?

We had pics of John & I when we were babies displayed on twigs (to go along with our Woodland Theme)

Kaelyn & Maddie glued sticks to clothes pins to hold the pics onto the branches

Tags were made to wrap the silverware in the napkins

Yet another project the girls worked on- stamping the paper cupcake holders for the desserts

This was me about an hour before the shower- no make up, hair not done, feet were already killing me, exhausted......

THIS is what I should have been doing....lucky sh*ts! Ahahaha

Robyn wins the "Present Presentation Award" for her gift display!

Diaper cake from Dottie & Amy- props to Charlie too for making the base!

Pic in Marnie's room

Aunt Annie, my cousin Sara, Robyn, Mom & Aunt Betty
Mom N, Aunt Karen & my SIL Tracey

My neighbors Sue & Sara, me & my friend Nanaroni

Amy, Claire & me

Me, Robyn, Kaelyn & Maddie

Me, my SIL Tracey, Claire, friends Michelle & Amanda & Michelle's daughter Lexi

Me & the Holt Ladies- Laurie, Amy, Claire & Dottie

Maddie, friend of the family Lorraine, Kaelyn & Laurie

Old friends Alison, Tara (we've been friends since elementary school!!!) & myself

Opening gifts

The 3 Donna's: my MIL Donna and her 2 friends Donna G & Donna S

Amanda, Teddy, my friend Caitlin who had the triplets (biotch looked hot after giving birth 3 months ago!!!), Teddy & either Caroline or Emmersen (sorry!!)

My soon-to-be SIL Sarah, my SIL Tracey & my FIL's girlfriend/my personal designer (lol) Sue

Teddy & me

How friggin cute is Teddy in his button down shirt & sweater vest?? He's a guy after John's own heart "Teddy & 30 chics...sweet".