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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving With The Otterbein Side

Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house (since I can't travel) with my side of the family. We actually had a really nice, random group of people come....Mom, Dad, Robyn, Brian, Kaelyn, Maddie, Brian's parents Fred & Alice, our friend of the family Lorraine, my friends Alison & Dave from back home and our next door neighbors Sue, Doug & Sarah. The weather was in the low 60's so we all got to hang outside for a while. Great company, perfect weather, delicious food....we had such a nice day!!!!

Click here to see the girls doing Ring Around the Rosie

Lorraine & Alison

Corn Hole!

Ladder Golf anyone?

Yes, that would be everyone watching Miss M driving her tractor around

Ring Around The Rosie

Alice & Marnie

Marnie & I made turkey place setting cards for everyone out of her hand print

Baby A & Baby B even had their own place setting cards

I love this pic!!! Ahaha

Marnie gave Uncle Brian a special sticker..

'Future Drama Queen"

Grandpa & his favorite girls

Sarah & Marnie

Best neighbors ever

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