Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 7, 2011


Sunday morning Robyn & Brian came to get Kaelyn & Maddie since they had come to Pre-T with Mom & Dad the day before. It was a gorgeous day out so we (we as in Robyn, Brian & John....and Marnie!) raked up some leaves so we had a leaf pile for the girls to play in. I love days like this when you just hang out, enjoy the weather & the company.

This was one of our family pics we tried to take later on with Tortilla & Mylee.

Clearly it was nap time for Marnie...Tortilla is yawning from eyes are shut...Mylee is just happy to be outside with the family...and John is laughing from the ridiculousness of it all.

Perfect Guadagno snapshot!!!!

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