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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

She Knows How To Make Her Mama Feel Good.....

Last night I put Marnie to bed & turned on the space heater in her room just to warm it up. Around 10:00 I went in to turn it off...of course I was ever so quiet as not to wake princess but guess what. She friggin woke up. And then started crying & just wanted to be held. Ugh. So into bed with me she goes....I go down & get her a warm bottle of milk & she nestles in to my pillow. In the background I have Dancing With The Stars on the tv. Marnie finishes her milk & pops her pacifier in her mouth. Her eyes are half closed & I'm thinking "Yes! She's falling asleep already". All of a sudden she sits up & points to the tv. She pops her pacifier out of her mouth & says "Mommmmy". So then I sit up, all excited & say "Marnie, what? Do you think that she looks like Mommy?". She nods her head & says clear as day "Yeah".

I love, love, love, love her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

Take a look at who she thinks I look like (this was the exact outfit Peta, the dancer, was wearing on the show last night):

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