Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 7, 2011

Pre-Thanksgiving 2011

Saturday was our annual Pre-Thanksgiving get together. It started in the morning with our basketball game then at 2:30 we all got together at Big G's for apps, dinner & dessert. Each year we normally go around the dinner table & each person says what they were grateful for. This year we blew up balloons, each person wrote on it what they were thankful for & then we all went outside, read what we had written & let the balloon go. Okay, sure, it's kind of polluting but if you ask me, it was a totally unique & special idea. Click here to watch Johnny the Magician entertaining all of us...especially Bobby-he looks absolutely amazed at John's magical abilities.

Girls Rule!!!

Marnie's balloon said "I'm thankful for the best parents in the entire world. And clothes. And shoes". Ahaha

4 cheese ball poofs in the mouth, 1 in each hand for safe keeping. Do you love it?

Johnny the Magician entertains us all!

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