Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Last year Marnie was a skunk for Halloween. This year she was a little Chinese girl (with blue eyes), complete with little Chinese slippers. I found this outfit in her 2T bin- John & I had actually bought this for Kaelyn 10 years ago when we were in China Town in NYC. Yes, of course I made Robyn keep it for the little girl I knew I would have one day! I accessorized with a wig & the slippers..came out so cute, right?
Grammy, Grampy, Pop Pop, Tracey, Tom, Jack & Claire all came over for pizza, trick or treating and some cupcakes. Weather was really nice (even after snow 2 days earlier!) so it made for a great night of ghosts & goblins!

Click here to watch Marnie & Grampy doin a little late night dancing!

Goin through the loot!

Late night dancin with Grampy

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