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Monday, November 21, 2011

Blocks Of Love

Saturday morning John & Marnie walked down to the high school to play soccer on the turf. I opted to drive my butt there & watch them. It was pretty windy & chilly on the field so we left there & went into the high school where they were hosting Blocks of Love, a Lego exhibition. The project was started in 2009 by kids & parents that supported Cancer Care. Kids would combine their love for Lego's & their compassion for people with cancer by challenging themselves to make difficult Lego projects & asking people to sponsor their efforts. All proceeds would go to Cancer Care. What a simple, fun way to raise money. Again, how much do we just love living in Fairfield?!!!!

Click here to watch Marnie score! She is just toooooooooo cute.

One of the projects

Look what he wrote: we were asked to have our picture taken by the Cancer Care photographer...Umm..I literally had pulled myself off the couch & threw my hair up...John had his painting jeans on...and apparently our daughter looked like a boy because Marven (that's the guys name!) asked "what's your sons name?"...John & I looked at each other & smiled & he said "Marnie"...and Marven said "Marty?". Ahaha...okay...and it gets better...the pic could possibly be used for next years brochure for Cancer Care. Really? Really????

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