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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's for the most relaxed T-day evvver! It was just the five of us so we all donned our sweats & pj's and just hung out & made food as the day went along. We were there for almost 8 hours, I have no idea what we even did, besides watch the Dolphins game & eat but the time flew & we all just had a really nice day. Can't wait for next year!!!

Click here to watch G&G singing their infamous song...appropiate for children? Not sure, but Marnie sure loves it.
And click here to watch some of our late night entertainment.

5:30pm we raised our glasses & cheered-all the Otterbeins, Yearwoods & Schloicka's toasted at the same time too in NY

Puppies had turkey dinner too!

Could we get anymore comfy??

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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