Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving With The Otterbein Side

Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving at our house (since I can't travel) with my side of the family. We actually had a really nice, random group of people come....Mom, Dad, Robyn, Brian, Kaelyn, Maddie, Brian's parents Fred & Alice, our friend of the family Lorraine, my friends Alison & Dave from back home and our next door neighbors Sue, Doug & Sarah. The weather was in the low 60's so we all got to hang outside for a while. Great company, perfect weather, delicious food....we had such a nice day!!!!

Click here to see the girls doing Ring Around the Rosie

Lorraine & Alison

Corn Hole!

Ladder Golf anyone?

Yes, that would be everyone watching Miss M driving her tractor around

Ring Around The Rosie

Alice & Marnie

Marnie & I made turkey place setting cards for everyone out of her hand print

Baby A & Baby B even had their own place setting cards

I love this pic!!! Ahaha

Marnie gave Uncle Brian a special sticker..

'Future Drama Queen"

Grandpa & his favorite girls

Sarah & Marnie

Best neighbors ever

Another Claire Visit

Yeah! We had another visit from our favorite OH girl! The girls had breakfast together & then hung out & played. It's so nice to get them together.

Marnie's favorite chair- thanks again Dottie!

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's for the most relaxed T-day evvver! It was just the five of us so we all donned our sweats & pj's and just hung out & made food as the day went along. We were there for almost 8 hours, I have no idea what we even did, besides watch the Dolphins game & eat but the time flew & we all just had a really nice day. Can't wait for next year!!!

Click here to watch G&G singing their infamous song...appropiate for children? Not sure, but Marnie sure loves it.
And click here to watch some of our late night entertainment.

5:30pm we raised our glasses & cheered-all the Otterbeins, Yearwoods & Schloicka's toasted at the same time too in NY

Puppies had turkey dinner too!

Could we get anymore comfy??

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hi Babies

A few nights ago John, Marnie & I were in bed and John was kissing my belly & saying "Hi Babies"...Marnie picked up on it right away and started doing it. It's the cutest thing! She'll even do it when we're just standing in the kitchen, she'll come up to my belly & lift up my shirt & kiss my belly & say "hi babies". Now does she really know there are 2 babies cookin in there? Heck no but it's still adorable to watch.
Click here for a short version of her doing it.

She Knows How To Make Her Mama Feel Good.....

Last night I put Marnie to bed & turned on the space heater in her room just to warm it up. Around 10:00 I went in to turn it off...of course I was ever so quiet as not to wake princess but guess what. She friggin woke up. And then started crying & just wanted to be held. Ugh. So into bed with me she goes....I go down & get her a warm bottle of milk & she nestles in to my pillow. In the background I have Dancing With The Stars on the tv. Marnie finishes her milk & pops her pacifier in her mouth. Her eyes are half closed & I'm thinking "Yes! She's falling asleep already". All of a sudden she sits up & points to the tv. She pops her pacifier out of her mouth & says "Mommmmy". So then I sit up, all excited & say "Marnie, what? Do you think that she looks like Mommy?". She nods her head & says clear as day "Yeah".

I love, love, love, love her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

Take a look at who she thinks I look like (this was the exact outfit Peta, the dancer, was wearing on the show last night):

Monday, November 21, 2011

Super Baby Baking Machine

Oh My God!!! Apparently I must be some kind of super baby baking machine. I just got back from my 36 week doctors appointment. Baby A is 6 lbs, Baby B is 5.4lbs. I have 2.5 weeks to go until my scheduled c-section- in which each baby should still gain 1 1/4 pounds. Now, if we do the math correct...that would mean I will be giving birth to TWO 7 POUND BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blocks Of Love

Saturday morning John & Marnie walked down to the high school to play soccer on the turf. I opted to drive my butt there & watch them. It was pretty windy & chilly on the field so we left there & went into the high school where they were hosting Blocks of Love, a Lego exhibition. The project was started in 2009 by kids & parents that supported Cancer Care. Kids would combine their love for Lego's & their compassion for people with cancer by challenging themselves to make difficult Lego projects & asking people to sponsor their efforts. All proceeds would go to Cancer Care. What a simple, fun way to raise money. Again, how much do we just love living in Fairfield?!!!!

Click here to watch Marnie score! She is just toooooooooo cute.

One of the projects

Look what he wrote: we were asked to have our picture taken by the Cancer Care photographer...Umm..I literally had pulled myself off the couch & threw my hair up...John had his painting jeans on...and apparently our daughter looked like a boy because Marven (that's the guys name!) asked "what's your sons name?"...John & I looked at each other & smiled & he said "Marnie"...and Marven said "Marty?". Ahaha...okay...and it gets better...the pic could possibly be used for next years brochure for Cancer Care. Really? Really????

A Day In The Life Of Marnie & Monkey

Forget about baby dolls...Marnie's favorite pal is Monkey. They are always together & having fun so I thought I'd document a day in the life of these best friends.

Marnie & Monkey watching morning cartoons

Home Depot trip

Milk break

Ride in the shopping cart

Reading a book

Nap time (this is how she goes to sleep with him for every nap & at bedtime)

On their way to Grammy & Grampy's for a surprise sleepover

Showing off her best bud

Dinner time

Bed time

Do these two have a great relationship or what?


Does anybody else see a problem here?

Baby A was out of control here for another Witching Hour video. This video is short but really unbelievable. I think it's Baby A's arm & hand moving along my belly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Age Old Question Women Ask Men.....

"Do these pants make me look fat?"

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hands On Pottery

Friday afternoon we went down to Hands On Pottery to visit our friend Jimmy & so that Marnie could paint some pottery. She picked out a panda bear to paint...she got half way done & was over it. We left it there so it could be put in the kiln & dried properly. Wait until you see the finished product! Ahaha

Do you love how Jimmy & Marnie matched?