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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 27, 2011

"They're Not All Ours"

Saturday morning John & I headed to the beach with our 4 girls...Marnie, Kaelyn, Maddie & Claire. It was a little chilly when we first got there but after 1/2 an hour it was sunny & beautiful out. The girls all loved playing in the sand & wadding in the water. It was such a huge help to have Kaelyn & Maddie there to help watch the two little's not so easy to bend & sit with a pertruding belly ya know!

When it was time for lunch we headed up to the concession stand for hotdogs & hamburgers...we got a long, wide eyed stare from a dad with 1 little I felt compelled to say to him "They're not all ours"...and so he laughed. What a sight to see John & I with 4 girls- 2 preteens & 2 toddlers & a big ol pregnant belly...I'd think the same thing he was probably thinking.."Damn lady! Take a breather!"

Anyway, we had a really fun day & can't wait to do it again.

Click here to watch a quick clip of Marnie & Claire playing.


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