Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 27, 2011


For dinner on Saturday we went to the Chef's Table- it's kinda like an upscale deli where you order your food & either get it to go or you can eat it at a table. They have a salad bar, fresh soups, cool sandwiches & a taco bar. Perfect for a quick bite...or perfect for a nice time out with the family. We got our meals & sat down to eat. Little did we know that they had open mike night & a guy would be playing acoustic guitar and a lady would be singing. Marnie LOVED it. She was waving her arms & clapping...after she was done eating we let her out of the highchair & she danced in the aisle. She must not have been close enough to the action because she left us all behind & made her way up to be right in front of the couple. She was an instant groupie. So what was supposed to be a quick meal there, turned into an hour of listening to music & playing video games.
Love that.

Click here to watch her when she first got out of the highchair.

Right up front

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