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Monday, June 13, 2011

Gettin Ready For Summer

There's a lot going on over at the Guadagno household...we are putting in a new pool & extending our patio to make room for a kiddie pool & toys. This weekend was big, we finally got the pool up so hopefully it will be ready to go in next weekend...although I'm sure it will be freeeezing. Hopefully the patio will be finished by next weekend too & we can do some landscaping & be done with it in time to enjoy the rest of summer.

Sunday Grammy & Grampy came over to help John & hired worker Wilson put the pool up. Marnie & I both supervised and we are happy to report everyone did a great job!

Keepin busy while the others work

That water is too cold Grammy!

Do you see this? Amongst all the noise & commotion Mylee was passed out. *jealous*

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