Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This kid (in my personal opinion) is wise beyond her 13 months of life. She is so smart & talented...and that's not just her Mom talking...she really is! Last night she ate her applesauce with a spoon, which in my opinion is not easy to keep the slippery sauce on the spoon (check out her bib, not too bad, right?). Then she ate her whole cheese quesadilla with her little fork.
So smart my little girl is. ; )

Click here to watch her stab her food with the fork!

Update..Email from Robyn:

2 things:
#1- I just watched the fork video....that baby is spoiled eating with a sterling silver fork (fork purchased by Robyn)
#2- Tell her to eat with her mouth closed

That baby is so damn cute!!!!!

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