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Monday, June 13, 2011

12 Week Ultrasound

Friday afternoon John, Marnie & I went for our 12 week ultrasound. I had forgotten how exciting it is to see how tiny but how formed the baby is at only 12 weeks. They are about 2 inches long now and LOOK like babies!!! Baby B is the one on top & was just hanging out. He was jumping around & even gave us a wave with his left hand!!!! BTW....I think B is a boy & A a for blog purposes, until we find out the correct sexes, that is how I will refer to the twins... So poor Baby A was smooshed on the bottom & didn't really move at all, maybe she was sleeping. But either way, it was so cool to see TWO BABIES at once! Click here to watch the video I took during the ultrasound...I got the wave on tape!!!!

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