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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Yesterday I officially joined MoMs- Mothers of Multiples of Fairfield County. It's basically a support group for Moms who are either pregnant with multiples or already have multiples. I used to think it was funny that my friend Caitlin who had triplets joined this group and now look, here I official member. Really, I think the only neat part about it is being able to have first dibs at the bi-annual tag sale that they hold. It's a huge sale that members sell their new & used items at and pregnant women get first dibs...hopefully I can snag a nice double stroller...or do I need a triple stroller so that Marnie can fit in too? I guess these are questions that are typically asked of new time Moms of multiples and I'm sure I'll find the answer I need from other moms in the group.
I'm having twins. Momma Mia!!!!!

On a fun note, here is a posting from the MoMs website...I thought it was worth sharing.


  1. No one will be amazed at your size and wonder if you're going to "give birth any second".

  2. We've "been there, done that"- and like to help other new MoMs who are just starting out on this incredible journey.

  3. Find out the best baby stuff before you buy, and what you need to buy two of, one of, none of...and what you can never have enough of!

  4. Great baby nurse and nanny references.

  5. Our amazing Spring & Fall tag sales- stock up on essentials for less!

  6. New, supportive friends are great to have anytime.

  7. You deserve a night out before babies arrive!

  8. Our new MoMs Luncheons in the Spring & Fall help you connect with other pregnant MoMs.

  9. After your babies are born, none of us will ever ask if your boy/girl twins are identical or say "My, you have your hands full!" In fact, we're a great place to share the silly things non-MoMs world says. (Are they ALL yours???)

  10. Trust us- after the babies arrive, you'll be glad to have one less thing on your to-do list!

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