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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just Curious

So I've been doing this blog for Marnie now for over a year & a half and it amazes me at some of the people who say they read it on a pretty regular basis. I love doing it and if you remember, we made the blog into a book for Marnie for when she grows up, so for me it's important to keep up with the posts since this is essentially her baby book. So I'm just curious, how many people actually check this blog out. If you're reading this post then you are obviously one of my regulars & therefor I would love to see how many people come to read about my beloved little Marnie. Please take a minute to take the "How many people read this blog" poll above, just check next to the box where it says "I do"...don't worry, your name will be not be displayed when you vote.

And I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who does take the time out to read up on what is going on in Marnie's life. It might not be the most exciting life, but it's HER LIFE and I'm glad to share it with all of you.


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