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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Double Trouble Baby Pool

It's that time again where we are going to hold another baby pool to guess what the sexes of the babies will be and when they will be born. $5 to make your guess- you will need to provide me with the day you believe they will be born, what the sexes are and incase there is a tie, you need to tell me what time they will be born. If you remember last year Crazy Lorraine, or A.K.A. as NiNi now, won. She guessed exactly right...little girl born on May 7th. My due date is December 20th- but remember, women giving birth to twins often go 2 to 3 weeks think about that when making your guesses. Winner splits winnings 50/50 with the babies! ; )

Info to help you make an educated guess:
*I have had no morning sickness at all, same as with Marnie
*Girls run on my side of the family
*I was a week late with Marnie
*I think I am having a boy & a girl (I was right with #1, wasn't I???)

All entries must be in by July 15th. Good luck!

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