Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

15 Weeks

I'm 15 weeks pregnant today so I thought I'd share a pic of what the babies look like at this stage of life (no, this is not one of my babies, just an image I got off the web) & also a few stats: they are about 4 inches long from crown to rump and weigh about 2 1/2 ounces each (about the size of a small apple).


Marnie has really been starting to say a bunch of words & has started putting words to the correct objects, pictures, people, etc. Yesterday I was unloading the groceries from the car & laid them on the ground in front of Marnie. She started "Mooooo"ing...I looked around to see if there was a dog or something that maybe she thought was a cow..??? Nada. Then she started pointing to the grocery bags & said "Moooooo" again.

Let's enroll her at Harvard now.

Monday, June 27, 2011

"I'm Marnie's Mom"

John called me earlier to tell me about his morning at daycare while dropping Marnie off. He was settling her into the classroom when Henry (Marnie's boyfriend) & his mom walk in. John says to her "you must be Henry's Mom"...and she say's "yes"..and John says to her "Nice to meet you...I'm Marnie's Mom".


Sunday Brunch

Sunday the Otterbein's, Yearwood/Schloicka Clan & the Guadagno's all went for Sunday brunch at the Red Barn restaurant in Westport. We finally got to celebrate John's birthday, Father's Day & also Kaelyn's graduation into the middle school. This was perfect for cooking, stuff our faces, no cleanup...what's better than that?


For dinner on Saturday we went to the Chef's Table- it's kinda like an upscale deli where you order your food & either get it to go or you can eat it at a table. They have a salad bar, fresh soups, cool sandwiches & a taco bar. Perfect for a quick bite...or perfect for a nice time out with the family. We got our meals & sat down to eat. Little did we know that they had open mike night & a guy would be playing acoustic guitar and a lady would be singing. Marnie LOVED it. She was waving her arms & clapping...after she was done eating we let her out of the highchair & she danced in the aisle. She must not have been close enough to the action because she left us all behind & made her way up to be right in front of the couple. She was an instant groupie. So what was supposed to be a quick meal there, turned into an hour of listening to music & playing video games.
Love that.

Click here to watch her when she first got out of the highchair.

Right up front

"They're Not All Ours"

Saturday morning John & I headed to the beach with our 4 girls...Marnie, Kaelyn, Maddie & Claire. It was a little chilly when we first got there but after 1/2 an hour it was sunny & beautiful out. The girls all loved playing in the sand & wadding in the water. It was such a huge help to have Kaelyn & Maddie there to help watch the two little's not so easy to bend & sit with a pertruding belly ya know!

When it was time for lunch we headed up to the concession stand for hotdogs & hamburgers...we got a long, wide eyed stare from a dad with 1 little I felt compelled to say to him "They're not all ours"...and so he laughed. What a sight to see John & I with 4 girls- 2 preteens & 2 toddlers & a big ol pregnant belly...I'd think the same thing he was probably thinking.."Damn lady! Take a breather!"

Anyway, we had a really fun day & can't wait to do it again.

Click here to watch a quick clip of Marnie & Claire playing.


Mmmmmm, Pudding

I guess her Elmo spoon wasn't cuttin it......

Click here to watch her.

A Twist On Morning Milky

What's better than a warm bottle of milk in the morning? Drinking it while taking a nice warm bath with Daddy. Aaahhhh.
(This kid is spoiled, right??)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Double Trouble Baby Pool

It's that time again where we are going to hold another baby pool to guess what the sexes of the babies will be and when they will be born. $5 to make your guess- you will need to provide me with the day you believe they will be born, what the sexes are and incase there is a tie, you need to tell me what time they will be born. If you remember last year Crazy Lorraine, or A.K.A. as NiNi now, won. She guessed exactly right...little girl born on May 7th. My due date is December 20th- but remember, women giving birth to twins often go 2 to 3 weeks think about that when making your guesses. Winner splits winnings 50/50 with the babies! ; )

Info to help you make an educated guess:
*I have had no morning sickness at all, same as with Marnie
*Girls run on my side of the family
*I was a week late with Marnie
*I think I am having a boy & a girl (I was right with #1, wasn't I???)

All entries must be in by July 15th. Good luck!

Bubble Bath

Marnie had her first bubble bath last night & she loved it! I just have to figure out a way for her to not eat the bubbles...any suggestions? Click here to watch her!

p.s. We see your boobies!!!!

Double Trouble 14 Week Baby Bump

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day/ John's Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated both Father's Day & John's birthday by swimming in the pool for a little bit then we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's for some steak & stuffed lobster tails (John's birthday request). Can you say YUM??? Weather was perfect for being outside...we love summer!!!

Pop Pop Rules

Thursday night John & I went out to dinner and guess who babysat? Pop Pop! He did an awesome job! He took Marnie for a walk, fed her dinner and...AND are you ready for this? He even changed a poopie diaper! I left my camera with him so he could document their night together...I'd say by the looks of the pictures and the fact that when we came home they were both dancing to Dora's "We did it!" song, they both had a pretty good night together.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Can You Do That?


Like there's really room in there for two??? Look at Mylee...she's totally ignoring the fact that Marnie is trying to climb in her bed with her.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Little Peekaboo Barn Never Hurt Anyone

Well, last night was Tuesday so we were off for our chicken parm special! Since we've been taking Marnie out to restaurants since she was an infant she is used to the surroundings & actually is very good about sitting through a meal. Obviously sometimes you have to keep entertained, whether that means having her color, giving her bread to eat or playing a little Peekaboo Barn on John's iPhone. That's easy peasy stuff! After dinner we hit Dairy Queen for ice cream...preggers didn't get a cone, can you believe it? Click here to watch Marnie play Peekaboo Barn with John.

Mmmmm..bread & butter- our favorite!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My kid now has cuter clothes and shoes than me.