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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You Little Devil

I swear, my kid thinks she's like 9 months old or something!
So Saturday we were in her room & I was putting clothes away & tidying up. I kept going in & out of the room so I decided to put her in her crib until I was done. While she was in there I had her standing up & hanging onto the front railing. She was thrilled! She could see everything that was going on at a different angle. So when I had to walk out again I had her sit down so she wouldn't fall & bump her chin on the railing. I walk out of the room & return no more than a minute later. You know what that little devil did? She friggin pulled herself up & was standing on her own!!! Who does she think she is???? Oh my God. smart is my baby???? Click here to watch her!!!

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