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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Our First Family Christmas

Although Marnie is still too young to know what Christmas is really about, I do believe she knew it was a special day. We got up early as a family (we let Marnie sleep in bed with us so we could all wake up together) and went downstairs to open Marnie's presents by the tree with a warm cozy fire going. She really loved tearing off the wrapping paper & playing with her toys. She also loved watching Tortilla & Mylee open their presents too! John & I waited until later that night after Marnie went to sleep to open our gifts to each other. It was an absolutely wonderful day & we loved every minute of it.

Here's Santa's cookies & milk that we put out on Christmas Eve

Christmas morning!

Marnie's Handy Manny laptop

Puppies get presents!

John got Marnie a special gift: Mickey & Minnie stuffed animals AND tickets for the three of us to go see Disney on Ice!

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