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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve

3:00pm on Christmas Eve we headed over to Grammy & Grampy's house for some apps and to wait for the arrival of Santa! Can you believe he made a pit stop at their house before heading out to deliver all the gifts before Christmas morning?? Poor Marnie was really tired since we had her off her normal nap schedule..thus, all the binky shots.
Later on that evening we headed over to Tracey & Tom's for our annual family gathering.
Miss M was a trooper & hung with us old folks as we exchanged gifts & hung out.

Our time at Fox Street:

"Heeyyyy, waaaaaait a minute. You look like somebody I know...."

Group shot of the kids with Santa:
Notice Claire is crying & scared sh*tless, Jack has his cookies & is over the whole Santa thing, Madeline is posing for the pics like a lovely little lady & Marnie has no idea what is going on. Hysterical!!!!

Grammy & Grampy..I mean Santa!

Our time at Szost Drive:

We made Michael & Paula put their $5 t-shirts on that we had made for them.

Everyone got a scarf for answering a Christmas trivia question...including Miss M.

And here is an upclose pic of Grammy & my little Granny. Doesn't she look like an old lady holding onto her shawl?

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