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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

This year John & I hosted Christmas Day at our house with my side of the family and Big G & since it was our first official Christmas as a 'real' family we wanted to make it extra special. So we decided to have a fancy 5 course meal prepared souly by us! I think everyone had a really nice time & I KNOW Mom had a great day (because she has told me several times that she did...I think she is trying to hint that John & I do it again next year...).
Marnie got tons of new toys & clothes and cousins Kaelyn & Maddie each bought Marnie something special with their own money. How sweet is that?

Poppy came over in his new t-shirt Marnie got him!

"Pop Pop Rules"

Marnie got her hands on poor Grandpa's hair...

John got his usual Quaker Creek steaks!
Tortilla say's "Me likey!"

Marnie's turn to open a present...which one does she pick?

The special gift from Uncle Brian that he picked out himself & wrapped in JETS wrapping paper! *rolling my eyes*

My 3 girls (btw- that's whipped cream on Marnie's lip...bad Aunt Robyn!)

Dad's sister, Aunt Cindy, sent all of us Otterbein girls scarves that she made herself.
How thoughtful was that???

As a joke I had matching t-shirts made for everyone that had Mom's mug on are Mom & Dad's.
"This is me" & "This is my wife"

Here's Marnie's!
"This is my Grandma"

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