Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Let The Decorating Begin!

Yesterday I went into Amy Coe- man do they have some cute things...but of course they are super expensive. I did find one thing I might have to splurge on...a pig clock for $45. They also had some great prints in some neat frames for $180 (for the pair at least)...I asked the chic working there if I could take pics of these items so I could show my husband. Really I just wanted to take the pics to share on the blog & to have a copy of the prints as a reference so I can look elsewhere for a cheaper version. I found these prints at Etsy that are kind similiar that I can buy & frame myself with some cheaper Target or Ikea frames.

The nostrils on the pig goes back & forth with the ticking of the clock.

Here are a couple of the prints I found so far that I could use:

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