Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Personal Designer Big G's girlfriend Sue is an interior decorator/designer so I've asked for her professional help with the babies room and she graciously has accepted. Sue & Big G came over last night to inspect the work John has been doing on the room (spackling, etc) & to get measurements to begin the layout of the room. How awesome is that? Up next is looking at fabrics for possible bedding, curtains and for the slipcover for the glider & ottoman. Paint color is going to be determined once we decide on fabric (I think that is the sequence we're going with). I have one special Louis Icart print that Robyn gave me that I definetly want to use in the room...other than that, everything else is up in the air for Sue's approval. Baby Marnie is going to have one special room.

Example of Icart's work- this original signed print is on Ebay for $7K.

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