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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Back To The Belly Button

As I've mentioned in an earlier post I've been having belly button issues. Apparently my husband thinks I am overreacting & am just making it seem worse than it really is. Ummmm, NO. When my belly button is touched it shoots an extremely uncomfortable, yucky feeling from the belly button to the inside of my core & out to my fingers & toes. I am talking major heebie jeebies. And guess what? After doing some research on the internet I am not the only one this has happened to.
Read this exerpt:
I am 38 wks w/ my 2nd. I had some soreness w/ the 1st one, too, but nothing like this time around. From about 2 inches above to at least 2 inches below my belly button, the skin is so painfully sore and sensitive. Just having clothes rub against it is painful, and it's horrible if I cough, sneeze, or bend over. I am carrying this kid straight out in front so I think it's just due to the skin being so stretched in that area. I'm even getting stretch marks around my belly button that have just popped up in the last 2 weeks. Never had them until now!
And this exerpt too:
I started having extreme belly button soreness at 18 weeks. My doctor dismissed too. However, my sister a labor and delivery nurse pointed out that since i had my belly button pierced previously that i had scare tissue. The scare tissue was what was causing the extra pain.

I too once had my belly button pierced so maybe that is it? But the most sensitive part of my belly button is on the left side, where I can feel it pertrudes a piercing was above the belly button..? I don't know. This led me to another website that talked about umbilical is what it said:
Causes of umbilical hernia during pregnancyMost umbilical hernias are congenital, meaning you have had the hernia since birth. The hernia may have been small or not caused any noticeable symptoms. Pregnancy or excessive weight gain can put stress on the defective or weak area of the abdominal wall causing the hernia to become more noticeable. Many adults have umbilical hernias that go unnoticed because the defect is so small that tissue can not pass through it. Once the hole gets large enough that tissue can pass through, the hernia can become painful and you may see bulging around the umbilical area.

Now, let me tell you...IF my belly button ends up looking like the one below (which is an umbilical hernia) someone is gonna have to admit me to a mental hospital, that is for sure.

Ew, ew and more ew.

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