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Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Morning

As you all by now....John & I are having a little baby girl!!!! Here are pics from Christmas morning when we opened the "baby box" to find out the gender. Can I tell you HOW NERVOUS I was!!!!! Everyone had me thinking I was having a boy...I'd even been waking up in the middle of the nights thinking about having a little boy & what the hell was I going to do with all those girls clothes I've been buying over the years. Well, I guess no need for me to worry anymore (unless Vickie the U/S tech is wrong about the sex....oh my god, could you just imagine??!!!).

Me...before opening the box

John hoping for his little golf buddy

So John pulled out the paper from the back of the frame & this is what we saw........

Obviously I just found out it's a girl!!

Little baby Marnie...........

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