Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 14, 2009

You Want In?

This past Saturday at my families holiday party my cousin Phil suggested we do a pool on the sex of the baby & wager some money on it. So I had Kaelyn start a "guess the babies gender" 50/50 pool where each person puts a $5.00 wager on whether they think I'm having a boy or a GIRL and the winner recieves 50% of the profits & 50% goes to the babies saving account. Pot is up to $80- anyone else who wants to participate can give/mail me $5 with what you think the gender is going to be, the date of birth (remember I am due May 1st) and the time (include am or pm). All entries must be in by December 24th- I'll post everyone's guesses on the blog & announce the winner come the babies birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Amy, I know that you want a girl very badly but I think it is a boy....(John will be so excited! Its a man thing...) The baby will be born on April 29th at 2:12PM. I will send my $5.00 to you today. Lots of love, Dottie C.
