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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 14, 2009

20 Week Ultrasound

Thursday was our big 20 week ultrasound where they check for all fingers & toes, make sure the heart chambers, kidneys, brain, etc are formed & working properly. All was well! We told the tech that we didn't want to find out the gender right away & asked if she would write it down for us. We mentioned that we wanted to wrap it up & put it under the Christmas tree to open Christmas morning. She loved the idea & got all into it! She printed out an extra copy of one of the U/S pics & wrote on the back of it the gender. Then she even stuck it in a frame for us! How thoughtful is that? So we went right home & wrapped it up & it is now sitting under our tree.

Here is the best pic that she was able to get of the baby- my camera turns the pic sideways but you can still get the jist. And no, that is not a big p*nis towards the top of the is a LEG!
Look at how cute that little tiny hand is!!!!

This is Vickie holding the framed pic with the results.

All wrapped up
Video of the ultrasound- check out the details of the spine and I think SHE is sucking her thumb- it looks like her little lips move when her hand gets close to her mouth....

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