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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Beginning

As most of you know John & I finally became pregnant through a round of IVF (after we had done 3 rounds of IUI). Yes, I brought the camera for this procedure....ahhahaha. So here we are on August 11th at the fertility clinic. I was told to go into the changing room & then come into a different room in which the transfer would take place. A transfer is where the doctors actually take 2 embryo's that they had matured in a dish for 3 days & transfer them into my uterus. Fun fun! Well when I walked into the room the "doctor" was bent over the ultrasound machine & he said good morning & asked how I was doing...I said 'fine, how are you doing?"....and then the "doctor" started laughing....Yes, it was my husband bending over pretending to be the doctor and I totally fell for it. The nurse in the room thought it was hysterical...and I must admit, I laughed for a long time....who does that?????

"Doctor" Johnny

Uh huh

This is me warning John to behave himself once the doctor came in. No joking around or stupid comments..."just sit there, be good & don't say anything".

This is a pic of the two embryo's that were transfered!!!!
Just think, one of those little suckers is now a growing baby in my belly!

1 comment:

  1. You and Johnny are so awesome. Thanks for sharing that special time with all the people that love you. :>)
