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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Craigslist Buys

Yesterday after work I went & picked up some baby items I found listed on Craigslist. I love Craigslist- especially for this area where all the "rich" people buy this baby crap & then just want to get rid of it for barely nothing. That is where I come in & get all the deals. Can you believe I even got FREE baby items off of CL?? I got a swing, 2 baby bath tub thingers, a bumbo, and a bouncer/lounger. Now, granted I am not a huge fan of all the cheesy baby looking bouncers and what not, but I do see their practicality. So I decided I will use the cheesy items for up in the bedroom/bathroom where no one will see them but John & I- the cooler, more neutral modern items will remain downstairs for everyone else's viewing pleasure. You know what else I love about CL, buying used items is "going green" and I'm all for that.

So here are the 3 items I got last night for $40- all washable (which is a must for me). The thing I really love is the portable bug screen playpen thinger majigger- it's perfect for sitting outside during the summer nights!

Here's a pic of all the baby items I've gotten so far that are from either tag sales or CL that are piled in our garage...larger items include:
morigeau lepine crib $150
changing table $25
2 bumbos- 1 free, 1 for $3
glider & ottoman $30
Pottery Barn bassinet $150
Coco lounger $35
new boppy $5
baby bjorn- free from friend

My 2 bests find were the Pottery Barn bassinet. I paid $150- original cost was $428 + tax + S/H and........

the Coco lounger for $35- originally $199 + tax + S/H

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