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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yabba Dabba Do!

Yesterday Grammy picked Marnie up from daycare to hang at her house. I got a sweet little smile & super huggie from her when I picked her up...garsh that makes you feel good!
Check out Marnie cruising around in her walker... totally maDe me think of Fred Flinstone with her little feet going under the car. Click here to watch Marnie & click here to see how excited Tortilla gets on the way to Grammy's.

After only have a 2 hour nap all day & then hanging at Grammy's, I had Marnie wind down in front of the tv before putting her to bed. Must have been a long day for this little bugger because she passed out while drinking her bedtime bottle.

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