Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 14, 2011

9 Months Stats

Friday Marnie went for her 9 month checkup. Guess what? She is still off the charts in height. She is now equivalent to a 17 month old...which we already guessed since she measures right up to Miss Claire. Doc Owens said she is "very advanced" for her age in almost every aspect! Ha! He asked me "does she try to pull herself up?" "Wha? She's been doing that for 3 months now!"..."Does she try to pick up food with her pointer finger & thumb and try to feed herself?" "Wha? She's a pro at that & is now trying to feed herself with the spoon!"

He was very impressed and actually thanked Marnie for being his first patient & making his day.
You gotta love that, right?

Height: 31.5 inches 97%+
Weight: 20.8 pounds 80%

Long & Lean! Perfect!!!!

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